Every parent’s worst nightmare: how ketamine killed our daughter

Louise Cattell at the Lovebox music festival

Bright, popular, rebellious and creative, 21-year-old Louise Cattell had everything to live for. Then she made a fatal mistake. She took the party drug ketamine and was found dead in the bath by her flatmate. There are 125,000 other ketamine users in the UK. Louise’s parents want to make sure it never happens to any of them…

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Seconds out, round one

As billions are expected to be paid out to bankers, Labour MP Diane Abbott argues that the bonus culture is toxic, while libertarian Mark Littlewood disagrees

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Why do people hate hipsters?

Hipsters, East London. Photo: Tim Sullivan

Hipster-hate blogs are multiplying online. But who are these much-maligned trendies – and why do people find them so irritating? Perhaps we should learn to love our skinny-jeaned friends instead

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