Titbits – Dice rolls, guarded events and assorted malcontents

Titbits bird◆ In a briefing on monies seized from Hackney’s illegal gambling machines, Stoke Newington councillor Gilbert Smyth was heard to make an ironic inquiry – perhaps the cash could be used to support Hackney’s struggling voluntary sector?

As austerity drags on, such desperate rolls of the dice might start to be made in earnest.

◆ Hackney Council officers weren’t keen on our local democracy reporter attending a purportedly public residents’ meeting.

When asked why our journalist had been shown the door, the minutes record the reply as: “The journalist was not expelled but [we] explained the correct route for communication.”

Officers are expected to start running workshops in the training of nightclub bouncers.

◆ Secretary of Hackney South Labour Heather Mendick can be found on Twitter agreeing with veteran leftwing activist Peter Willsman, who declares: “Voters do not want to read every day about plotting and scheming by assorted malcontents.”

Hear that, Game of Thrones writers? Get your coats.