Titbits – Wingmen and staying zen

Titbits bird

◆ “This is just not a story and certainly not news,” said local councillor Anya Sizer in response to a Telegraph piece accusing Hackney environment chief Cllr Mete Coban of climate hypocrisy for racking up thousands of air miles.

It wasn’t just Sizer that leapt to Coban’s defence. Another Labour colleague, Cllr Joe Walker, called the article “silly”.

Even Labour stalwart Alastair Campbell weighed in, saying Coban must be doing something right for the Telegraph to be going for him.

Quite a reaction for a non-story.

All this as the council announces a major overhaul of Pembury Circus.

Perhaps a renaming is in order: Mete Coban’s Flying Circus!

◆ The Citizen has officially made it. A kind reader alerted us to a post from Instagram meme merchant, Real Housewives of Clapton.

“Zen af,” reads the caption, above a photo of someone vaping while holding up our December edition. A second copy of the paper is being used as a makeshift hat.

It’s all downhill from here, folks!