Leader – Desperate measures

The cost of living is rising at its fastest rate in the UK in close to half a century. Many of our readers will not have experienced a time of such despair in their lifetimes.

While this government has failed to get a grip, even exacerbating the problems recently with its disastrous mini-budget, charities such as food banks and goodwilled volunteers have tried their best to pick up the slack.

In our borough, many residents are reliant upon the incredible Hackney Foodbank, which has shockingly seen demand for its services double in the space of two short years.

Sadly, with so many people struggling to make ends meet and the price of food going through the roof, donations have not just failed to keep up but have fallen dramatically over the same period.

The Citizen is urging all readers who can afford to spare some time, food or money to help the Foodbank through our winter appeal.

You can donate money using the QR code on the front of our December print issue or on our website, or take part in the Foodbank’s Reverse Advent Calendar, which you’ll find on the back of this month’s paper. Perhaps even consider volunteering?

The spirit of giving and togetherness at Christmas has never felt quite as critical as it does this year.