Cycling campaigners welcome council’s pledge to install 675 storage hangars across Hackney – but concerns remain over price

Hackney Mayor Philip Glanville and Cllr Mete Coban with an existing bike hangar. Photograph: Hackney Council

Hackney Council has committed to a massive expansion of on-street cycle parking across the borough over the next four years.
The borough will home 675 new bike hangars by 2026, amounting to an increase of more than 4,000 spaces for bikes.
The move will allow those who don’t have enough space in their homes to store their bikes safely, and hopefully encourage more people to take up cycling.
The creation of new storage facilities, which will begin next year, is set to make a significant dent in the 5000-strong waiting list for cycle parking spaces.
Transport chief Cllr Mete Coban said: “We know that access to secure cycle parking can be a barrier to cycling.
“We already have more cycle hangars than any other borough, but as London’s capital of cycling, we want to do as much as we can to encourage more people to cycle – helping them to travel more healthily, tackle emissions and rebuild a greener Hackney.”
Hackney already boasts the highest proportion of cyclists in London, with the Department of Transport finding in 2021 that around 16 per cent of residents cycled at least three times a week in the borough.

Bikes hanging on a balcony. Image: @citycyclists

Campaigners have been fighting for more bike hangars to be installed in the borough, with many struggling to find space to leave their bikes, so the news has come as a welcome change.

Local cyclist Frances Cherry said: “I’m really pleased that the council is increasing bike hangers, it is the right thing to do.
“I hope that they will continue to increase capacity so that numbers are sufficient so that nobody who wants one has to wait for a space.”
However, it wasn’t all good news, with Cherry concerned that many will still be priced out of using the storage – especially as inflation continues to soar.
“The cost is still too high,” she added. “It should be set so that a household can store four bikes for less than the cost of the cheapest on-street car parking permit.
“Bike hangar spaces should also be made available for people to store non-standard bikes such as cargo bikes, family bikes or those adapted for people with disabilities.”
A spokesperson for Hackney Cycles Campaign added: “We are delighted at moves to dramatically increase the provision of secure on-street and on-estate parking being undertaken by the council.
“We know from speaking with our members as well as Hackney residents and visitors that there are long waiting lists across the borough.
“Having somewhere at street level enables people to keep their bikes safely, especially those people with upstairs flats, or without space inside.
“Bike theft remains a massive issue here in Hackney and we continue to call on Hackney police to prioritise theft reduction of cycles.”