Looking for a small, friendly and caring primary school?

We are a popular primary school situated in Stoke Newington, Hackney and have been serving the community and providing high quality education for over 450 years. We have 1 of each class from Nursery to Year 6 and believe that being a smaller school creates an ethos that we are proud of: Friendly, Welcoming and Caring.

Our vision is that every child in our school reaches their full potential and that they leave St Mary’s with skills for life. We hope that by embedding a love of learning, this will support them on their journey as they develop into young adults, positively contributing to society and being model citizens.

We offer 30 hours free nursery provision for 3 & 4 year olds.

To apply for a place in the nursery or across the school, please visit us or call 020 8800 2645 for further information.

St Mary’s Primary School, Barn Street, Stoke Newington, London, N16 0JT.
