Titbits: misspellings, Hackney ‘Cancel’ and is the honeymoon over for Sadiq?

Titbits bird

◆ There were red faces at the Town Hall when the word “Conservative” was misspelt as “Conversative” on postal voting ballot papers for the mayoral election. The error meant they were sent out late, by first class rather than second class delivery. Still, it’s not the worst gaffe in the annals of Hackney elections. Hands up who remembers the problems with a certain registration system ahead of the 2015 General Election.

◆ In total 10 out of 20 of Hackney Council meetings were cancelled in September. Perhaps the local authority should be renamed Hackney “Cancel”.

◆ And finally, the honeymoon may be over between Sadiq Khan and Labour London Assembly Members. Jennette Arnold, who represents Hackney at City Hall, loudly heckled the Mayor of London as he defended his refusal to allow a new pension scheme to be established for City Hall politicians. The bust-up came in the midst of a furious row in which Khan was rounded on by politicians of all shades, but particularly Labour ones.