The word overheard

“I tell you what, it’s only gone up by 10p but you certainly feel it. I’m topping up all the time!” (Man on bus, Hackney Road)

“Don’t lick the door sweetie! Girls don’t lick doors…” (Man talking to his little daughter, Victoria Park)

“My goodness girls, look at the size of those babyccinos!” (Young dad in cafe, Broadway Market)

“Mummy, can dogs eat cats?” (Little girl, Broadway Market)

“To your left is the public baths & straight on is Clapton Pond!” (Mum on bus, Hackney)

“Nah, still not feeling myself, can’t get rid of this cold, do you want it?” (Old lady in Post Office, Broadway Market)

“Like I know this is still London, but if the Burberry outlet wasn’t here I’d have no reason to come!” (Student on bus, Hackney)

“Wow! That’s a small goat.” (Little boy, Hackney City Farm)

“If it’s not vintage, they’re not interested round here…” (Bicycle seller, London Fields)

“I had an extra £4 the other week, I thought I’ll treat myself to a cold wash!” (Student on bus, Old St)

“Easy on the squeezy love…” (Fruit & veg seller, Ridley Road Market)

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